Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Bonne Vacance (Podcasting In Manila)


The Dan & Rye Show Pinas Podcast/ Grand EB

  • June 29 2007
  • 8pm
  • Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf, Bonifacio High Street

With Joel McVie, the ever-reliable (more proof on his reliability on the next parts of the Bonne Vacance series) TD&RS friend-slash-future-EP, in his car on the way to Bonifacio High Street

With Dan's sponsors, our good friends Gilbert, DJ Toy Armada of Bed, and hairstylist extraordinaire Ney

With Baklang AJ, Tony (I felt being haunted by HK everytime I looked at hi. But he was cute, nonetheless), Chris and Gibbs. The troikasters would've been complete had the mysterious Migs decided to join.

Smiles of Relief. After our pinaka-nakaka-conscious na pagpo-podcast ever! Joel thinks it was an exercise to prepare us for TV. Hello! Online advertisers nga wala pa kami noh!

The people who made that evening a very special one for us. Certified kasuys! (ang cheap nung "certified") Sayang... Philip, who suggested Bonifacio High Street to be the venue couldn't make it. Many, many thanks to all of you!

Our most heartfelt gratitude to Joel McVie for organizing this gathering and for picking up our bill! Hehehe!

And while we're at it, here is Part 3 of the Pinas Podcast:

...will be continued.