I Won't Be A Party Pooper
I imposed a rule upon myself to fulfill memes with which I get more than 3 people tagging me. Ricci Chan was the fourth to tag me on this so I am joining the bandwagon.
1 - Go to "Wikipedia." Hit “Random Article”
or click http://en.wikipedia.org/wi
The first random wikipedia article you get is the name of your band.
2 - Go to "Random quotations"
or click http://www.quotationspage.
The last four or five words of the very last quote of the page is the title of your first album.
3 - Go to flickr and click on “explore the last seven days”
or click http://www.flickr.com/expl
Third picture, no matter what it is, will be your album cover.
4 - Use Photoshop or similar to put it all together
5 - Post it to FB with this text in the "caption" and TAG the friends you want to join in. (you can untag yourself if you don't want this photo up).
"If we must suffer, let's suffer on the heights." -Victor Hugo, "Les Malheureux"