It's Been A Hard Day's Night
Dan, Chris and I went out (after a long while) last night. It was fun and (as Keith Mitchell would put it..) retarded. With slurred speech and supermodel-walk, we got home just a few minutes before the first rays of sun hit HK. As expected, I went to work with a big hang over. So did Chirs. Lucky Dan slept in until 6pm.
After doing 2 shows, 2 dance classes, 2 full-out runs of Julie's "Lately" choreography, and spending a whole trip home with talkative Ayi, all I wanted to do was sleep as soon as I open my bedroom door. Just not in the mood anymore for anything. Well, unitl I went online and saw three wonderful responses to my blog entires from three equally wonderful people. Here they are:peej said... (on "Just A Little Dose of Patriotism", Blogspot)
i fell silent too...
the eloquence and truth is very rye.
happiness despite adversity... very filipino
beautiful insight!m a i (on "Sina Mai, Chris at Julie: AMAZING!", thru Friendster)
Posted 27/05/2007
the metal nuggets, the gadgets, the outfits, and the shopping spree may all be new and exciting to me, but what you and mom have been thinking about me now is what thrills me the most. i love you and i love the way i am now. thanks for inspiring me to leave my comfortable but not affluent life in manila. i have now come in good terms with the universe and myself.dtsalvanajr wrote today at 7:10 AM (on "A Reflection On Julius Ebreo's Blog, Et Al.", Multiply)
Rye keeps his recipe for his menudo a secret - he even closes the door of our kitchen when he cooks menudo. I tried several times to ask him what's his secret, but he never told me until that day when he had to ask me to cook his recipe because he did not have the luxury of time to prepare his menudo for his "special friend's" farewell party... and so he didn't have any choice but to reveal the secret to me and made me promise not to tell anyone. Upon knowing, I realized Rye's secret was so simple, yet it creates a very delicious version of menudo. Just like Rye - a flamboyant, expressive and colorful individual who brightens the day of many people around him, be it at work or on a yacht full of strangers. And his creative juices just keeps on flowing! Just like his menudo, beneath Rye's dynamic persona is a simple secret - a recipe I can not tell anyone, but I'm sure anyone can tell.